♫ S Просмотров: 326 Orqaga qaytish u-n

Sami Yusuf

01.02.2025 uu
Allahumma salli 'ala,
Muhammadin an-Nabiyyi al-ummiyyi,
Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim.
(O Allah, send your peace and blessings upon our Master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and upon his family and companions.)
O My Lord,
My sins are like
The highest mountain;
My good deeds
Are very few
Theyre like a small pebble.
I turn to You
My heart full of shame,
My eyes full of tears.
Bestow Your
Forgiveness and Mercy
Upon me.
Ya Allah,
Send your peace and blessings
On the Final Prophet,
And his family,
And companions,
And those who follow him.

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